announcement >o<"

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I miss them

is my first day for my new job
Although it was seriously low salary
but I still learn to accept it
I need to think as I came for learning not for money

But still.. I'm not happy

and it's not about money.. *Although it still is, cause everyone said that I'm been bullied by them seriously.. and I feel so hurt*

Since I came back from there
what I realized that
I never thought that we're living at such a worst place..
I felt like I wanna bring all around my family and friends to there
cause we no need to worry for the safety-ness everyday everywhere and every minute..
and we can hang out whenever we want and have fun everyday

I want to bring my friend to play water and capture alot nice pictures..
I want to bring my family to eat and enjoy as much as we want..
I want to hang out after having a stressful work and chit chat for the whole night till the next morning..
I want to do whatever I want and no need to worry for being targeted every time..

and I miss my oversea friends alot.. I want to talk whatever to them and release my stress out loud at terrace.. and I miss the night of the cold air.. even it's really cold but I like it so so much.. 

But.. when can I have that kind of life again..??
It's really hard seriously..

Sometime, Life is so damn cruel that we are forced to accept it..

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